Saturday, November 01, 2003

The content at the BBC (British Broascasting Corporation or Broken Biscuit Company as I once heard it called) website is fantastic. If you have used the internet for long then I am sure that you will agree with me.

I often listen to streamed audio at work especially from Radio 4. Listenting to Marcus Brigstock on the "Now Show" calling David Blaine's latest stunt "Freak Dangle" or to listen to Paul Merton improvising some surreal situation on "Just a Minute".
The BBC is also the only broadcaster that I know to put out truly intellectual programme. Simon Singhs "Another five numbers" or an entire series of lectures (The Reith lectures) over 5 years, that this year focuses on the emerging mind

I mention this because the BBC comes under review next year when the royal charter comes up for renewal. If you did not know then in the UK each television set (well household really) needs a license which costs just over 100UKP/year. This money is paid to our national broadcaster the BBC. They have a remit to not only make programmes that people want but to cater for minority interests as well. It is feared that with recent spats between the BBC and the government (over Gulf war II and especially the suicide/assassination of Dr Kelly - a weapons advisor to the government) and the increasing pressure from commercial broadcasters that the license fee is unfair. I have heard it mentioned that the license fee may be dramatically cut. This can only mean that the BBC would have to retreat to its core television and radio stations. I for one hope that the BBC continues to receive the funding and freedoms that it deserves! especially as the BBC websites is one of the treasures on the internet.

PS if you don't have one already install a virus checker. There is a free (for personal use) windows checker from the kind people at Grisoft

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